Form:URS Participant v5.0

CDE IDCDE Description
* 421EDRN Participant ID (Go To: 423)
* 423EDRN Protocol ID (Go To: 422)
* 422EDRN Site ID (Go To: 929)
* 929EDRN Staff ID of the person who collected the data: (Go To: 1219)
* 1219Date of contact (MM/DD/YYYY): (Go To: 2788)
* 2788Age at selection: (Go To: 1322)
* 1322Hispanic or Latino (Are you Hispanic or Latino?) (Go To: 1315)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 1315Race (What is your race? Check all that apply.) (Go To: 1292)
Permissible Values (value):White (1)
 Black or African-American (2)
 American Indian or Alaska Native (3)
 Asian (4)
 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (7)
 Refused (88)
 Other, specify: (97) (Go To: 1294)
 Unknown (99)
* 1294Race (Other, specify) (Go To: 1292)
* 1292Height [in inches] (What is your total current height in inches?) (Go To: 1295)
* 1295Weight [in pounds] (What is your current weight [in pounds]? (Go To: 1568)
* 1568Have any of the participants living or deceased first or second-degree blood relatives been diagnosed with prostate cancer? (Go To: 2151)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 1569)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 1569How many of the participant´s living or deceased first or second-degree blood relatives have been diagnosed with prostate cancer? (Go To: 2151)
* 2151Have you received any treatment for prostate cancer? (Go To: 4006)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 2193)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2193Treatment(s) received for prostate cancer: (Go To: 4006)
Permissible Values (value):Chemotherapy (1)
 Radiation therapy (2)
 Surgery (3)
 Hormone therapy (4)
 Focal therapy (5)
 Refused (88)
 Other (95)
 Unknown (99)
* 4006Is radical prostatectomy the only treatment you plan to receive for prostate cancer? (Go To: 4011)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 4011Date of scheduled procedure (MM/DD/YYYY): (Go To: 1698)
* 1698How many prostate biopsies have you previously had? (Go To: 4537)
* 4537Number of biopsies that were positive for cancer: (Go To: 1097)
   1097Comments (do not include any participant identifiers) (Go To: End of Form)