Form:DCIS Team Project Additional Information v1.01

CDE IDCDE Description
* 2777Site participant ID (Go To: 422)
* 422EDRN Site ID (Go To: 929)
* 929EDRN Staff ID of the person who collected the data: (Go To: 3633)
* 3633History of breast cancer? (Go To: 1334)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Right breast only (1)
 Left breast only (2)
 Unilateral, side not specified (3)
 Bilateral, both breasts (4)
 Yes, woman-level information only (5)
 Unknown (99)
* 1334New primary cancer [other than basal/squamous cell skin cancer] confirmed by a doctor since last routine study contact? (Have you been diagnosed with a new primary cancer [other than basal/squamous cell skin cancer] since your last routine study contact?) (Go To: 4777)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Unknown (99)
* 4777Has the participant had a bilateral mastectomy in the time period specified? (Go To: 3372)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Unknown (99)
* 3372Type of surgical procedure: (Go To: 4778)
Permissible Values (value):Core biopsy (1)
 Excisional biopsy (2)
 Incisional biopsy (3)
 Duct excision (4)
 Mastectomy (5)
 Lumpectomy (6)
 Axillary lymph node dissection (7)
 Sentinel lymph node biopsy (8)
 Core biopsy (needle) (9)
 Unknown (99)
* 3646Breast density (BI-RADS), overall (Go To: 1362)
Permissible Values (value):Almost entirely fat (1)
 Scattered fibroglandular densities (2)
 Heterogeneously dense (3)
 Extremely dense (4)
 Not applicable (98)
 Unknown (99)
* 1362Since your last routine study contact, have your menstrual periods stopped due to natural menopause, hysterectomy, the removal of both ovaries, or radiation or chemotherapy treatment? (Go To: 1097)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Not applicable (98)
 Unknown (99)
   1097Comments (do not include any participant identifiers) (Go To: End of Form)