Form:GLNE 007 Medical History v9.01

CDE IDCDE Description
* 421EDRN Participant ID (Go To: 2176)
* 2176Visit code (Go To: 422)
Permissible Values (value):BLN1 (1)
 BLN2 (2)
* 423EDRN Protocol ID (Go To: 422)
* 422EDRN Site ID (Go To: 929)
* 929EDRN Staff ID of the person who collected the data: (Go To: 1219)
* 1219Date of contact (MM/DD/YYYY): (Go To: 2973)
* 2973History of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, such as Crohn’s Disease or colitis? (Go To: 2961)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: End of Form)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2961Have you seen blood in your bowel movements, blood in the toilet bowl, or blood on the toilet tissue? (Go To: 2978)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2978Has a doctor told you that you have occult (hidden) blood in your stool, based on FOBT (Fecal Occult Blood Test) cards? (Go To: 2969)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2969Have you had surgery for the removal of all or part of the following? (Check all that apply) (Go To: 2972)
Permissible Values (value):Appendix (1)
 Colon or rectum (2)
 Thoracentesis (5)
 Esophagus (7)
 Gall bladder (8)
 Intestines (9)
 Liver (10)
 Pancreas (15)
 Stomach (19)
 None (44)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2972Diagnosed with HIV? (Go To: 2968)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: End of Form)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2968Has a doctor ever diagnosed you with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) (Gardner’s Syndrome), or Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Syndrome (HNPCC), also called Lynch Syndrome? (Go To: 2977)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: End of Form)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2977Has a doctor diagnosed you with any of the following inflammations? (Check all that apply) (Go To: 3172)
Permissible Values (value):Rheumatoid arthritis (1)
 Chronic hepatitis (2)
 Inflammatory bowel disease (3)
 Tuberculosis (5)
 Osteomyelitis (6)
 Thyroid disease (7)
 Collagen vascular disease such as lupus or scleroderma (8)
 None (44)
 Refused (88)
 Other, specify: (97) (Go To: 3006)
 Unknown (99)
* 3006Inflammation name (Other, specify): (Go To: 3172)
* 3172History of sigmoidoscopy? (Go To: 2964)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2964How many colonoscopies have you had? Do not include any colonoscopies that are scheduled, but have not yet taken place. (Colonoscopy is an exam of the entire large bowel using a long flexible instrument. The exam is usually done under sedation.) (Go To: 2783)
Permissible Values (value):None (0)
 1 colonoscopy (1) (Go To: 2997)
 2 colonoscopies (2) (Go To: 2997)
 3 or more colonoscopies (3) (Go To: 2997)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2997Number of months since last colonoscopy: (Go To: 3148)
   3148Full colonoscopy? (Go To: 2783)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2783Ever diagnosed with polyps? (Go To: 1307)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 2974)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2974Number of colon polyps: (Go To: 2987)
Permissible Values (value):1-2 (1)
 3-5 (2)
 more than 5 (3)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2987Were adenomas found? (Go To: 2963)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
* 2963Was any polyp or growth diagnosed as cancerous (malignant)? (Go To: 1307)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 1307Ever had cancer [other than basal/squamous cell skin cancer] confirmed by a doctor? (Have you ever had cancer [other than basal/squamous cell skin cancer] confirmed by a doctor?) (Go To: 4950)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 3142)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 3142Number of cancers to record: (Go To: 2159)
Permissible Values (value):1 (1)
 2 (2)
 3 (3)
 4 (4)
 5 (5)
 6 (6)
 7 (7)
 8 (8)
 9 (9)
 10 (10)
* 2159Specimen line number or identifier (system-generated): (Go To: 1341)
* 1341Cancer type/location (Go To: 2148)
Permissible Values (value):Bladder (1)
 Bone (2)
 Brain (3)
 Breast (4)
 Cervix (5) (Go To: 2991)
 Colon (6)
 Endometrium (22) (Go To: 2992)
 Esophagus (7)
 Gall bladder (40)
 Head & neck (mouth, nose, and throat) (8)
 Kidney (9)
 Leukemia (11)
 Liver (10)
 Lung (12)
 Lymphoma, including Hodgkins (13)
 Mesothelioma (42)
 Multiple myeloma (44)
 Ovary (14)
 Pancreas (15)
 Prostate (16)
 Rectum (17)
 Skin (melanoma, no basal or squamous) (18)
 Stomach (19)
 Testis (24)
 Thyroid (20)
 Uterus (21)
 Vagina (26)
 Other (95)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99) (Go To: 3158)
* 2991Cervical stage group: (Go To: 3021)
Permissible Values (value):Stage 0 (1)
 Stage I (2)
 Stage IA (3)
 Stage IA1 (4)
 Stage IA2 (5)
 Stage IB (6)
 Stage IB1 (7)
 Stage IB2 (8)
 Stage II (20)
 Stage IIA (21)
 Stage IIA1 (22)
 Stage IIA2 (23)
 Stage IIB (25)
 Stage III (30)
 Stage IIIA (31)
 Stage IIIB (35)
 Stage IVA (41)
 Stage IVB (44)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 3021Cancer treatments received (third instance): (Go To: 1333)
Permissible Values (value):Chemotherapy (1)
 Radiation therapy (2)
 Surgery (3)
 Hormone therapy (4)
 None (44)
 Refused (88)
 Other (95)
 Unknown (99)
* 2992Histopathologic stage group (endometrium): (Go To: 2956)
Permissible Values (value):Stage 0 (1)
 Stage I (2)
 Stage IA (3)
 Stage IB (6)
 Stage IC (9)
 Stage II (20)
 Stage IIA (21)
 Stage IIB (25)
 Stage III (30)
 Stage IIIA (31)
 Stage IIIB (35)
 Stage IIIC (36)
 Stage IVA (41)
 Stage IVB (44)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2956Cancer treatment received (second instance): (Go To: 1333)
Permissible Values (value):Chemotherapy (1)
 Radiation therapy (2)
 Surgery (3)
 Hormone therapy (4)
 None (44)
 Refused (88)
 Other (95)
 Unknown (99)
* 2148Primary cancer treatment(s) received: (Go To: 1333)
Permissible Values (value):Chemotherapy (1) (Go To: 1260)
 Radiation therapy (2) (Go To: 1263)
 Surgery (3) (Go To: 3014)
 Hormone therapy (4)
 None (44)
 Refused (88)
 Other (95)
 Unknown (99)
* 3014Date of most recent cancer-related surgery (MM/YYYY): (Go To: 1333)
* 1263Radiation therapy end date: (MM/YYYY): (Go To: 1333)
* 1260Chemotherapy end date (MM/YYYY): (Go To: 1333)
* 1333Date of diagnosis (MM/YYYY): (Go To: 1357)
* 1357Tumor laterality (Go To: 4669)
Permissible Values (value):Right (1)
 Left (2)
 Both (3)
 N/A (8)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 4669Diagnosis code, ICD-9 (Go To: 1338)
* 1338Histologic confirmation? (Go To: 1358)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
* 1358Chart Abstraction? (Go To: 3158)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
   3158Loop-specific comments: (Go To: 4950)
* 4950Is the participant currently on active chemotherapy or radiation treatment for any reason? (Go To: 2967)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: End of Form)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2967History of diverticulitis? (Diverticulitis occurs when pouches in the wall of the colon become infected or inflamed, with symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, cramping, and constipation) (Go To: 2976)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 3015)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 3015Diverticulitis diagnosis date (MM/YYYY): (Go To: 2976)
* 2976History of Irritable Bowel Syndrome? (This is a disorder of the bowels leading to cramping, gassiness, bloating, and alternating diarrhea and constipation.) (Go To: 2962)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 3026)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 3026Irritiable Bowel Syndrome diagnosis date (MM/YYYY): (Go To: 2962)
* 2962History of any other type of bowel problem? (Go To: 2965)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 3005)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 3005Other bowel problem name: (Go To: 3017)
* 3017Other bowel problem diagnosis date (MM/YYYY): (Go To: 2965)
* 2965Have you had constipation to the point where you took a laxative at least twice a week? (Go To: 2966)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2966Have you had frequent (daily or almost daily) diarrhea (frequent, loose, or watery stools)? (Go To: 2971)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2971Have you been diagnosed by a doctor with hemorrhoids or anal fissure? (Go To: 2970)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2970History of heartburn symptoms? (burning in the chest/throat, especially after eating) (Go To: 2959)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2959History of anemia? (Anemia is a low count of red blood cells.) (Go To: 1623)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 2958)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2958Type(s) of anemia (check all that apply): (Go To: 1623)
Permissible Values (value):Iron deficiency (1)
 Pernicious (This is an anemia associated with vitamin B12 deficiency.) (2)
 Anemia associated with thalassemia or other traits (3)
 Refused (88)
 Other, specify: (97) (Go To: 3004)
 Unknown (99)
* 3004Type of anemia (Other, specify): (Go To: 1623)
* 1623Do you have stomach ulcers, or peptic ulcer disease? (Go To: 2979)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2979History of pancreatitis? (Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. It can be short-term or long-term) (Go To: 3156)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 3156Ever diagnosed with diabetes by a doctor? (Go To: 2960)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 2960History of Barrett’s Esophagus? (Barrett’s Esophagus is a condition in which there are cell changes in the swallowing tube (esophagus). It develops in some people who have heartburn, reflux disease, or esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) (Go To: 3164)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 3164Has a doctor diagnosed you with cirrhosis? (Cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease in which liver cells are damaged and replaced by scar tissue.) (Go To: 3165)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 3165Has a doctor diagnosed you with yellow jaundice? (Yellow jaundice, in which the skin/eyes turn a yellowish color, is a symptom of liver problems.) (Go To: 4951)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 4951Has the participant ever been treated with steroids such as prednisone, dexamethasone, decadron, or hydrocortisone ? Steroids are medications used to reduce or block inflammation? (Go To: 4956)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 3018)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 3018Medication start date (MM/YYYY): (Go To: 4954)
* 4954Is the medication necessary to control disease? (Go To: 4956)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 4956Has the participant ever taken medication that suppresses the immune system such as Methotrexate, Imuran, or 6-MP? (Go To: 4952)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 4952Has the participant ever been treated with 5-ASA drugs such as Asacol, sulfasalazine, Pentasa, or azulfidine? (Go To: 1380)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 4953)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
   4953Medication start date 2 (MM/YYYY) (Go To: 4955)
* 4955Is the medication necessary to control disease 2? (Go To: 1380)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 1380Number of living and deceased first-degree blood brothers: (How many living and deceased blood-related brothers do you have? [Not including adopted, foster, half-brothers or step-brothers] (Go To: 1381)
* 1381Number of living and deceased first-degree blood sisters: (How many living and deceased blood-related sisters do you have? [Not including adopted, foster, half-sisters or step-sisters] (Go To: 1378)
* 1378Number of living and deceased blood-related sons: (How many living and deceased blood-related sons do you have? [Not including adopted, foster, or step-sons] (Go To: 1379)
* 1379Number of living and deceased blood-related daughters: (How many living and deceased blood-related daughters do you have? [Not including adopted, foster, or step-daughters] (Go To: 2957)
* 2957Has a doctor ever diagnosed any of your first-degree blood relatives (parents, siblings, children) with Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Syndrome (HNPCC) or Lynch Syndrome? (Go To: 1349)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 1349Have any of the participant´s living and deceased first degree blood relatives been diagnosed with cancer [other than basal/squamous cell skin cancer]? (Have any of your living and deceased first degree blood relatives (biological parents, siblings, children) been diagnosed with cancer [other than basal/squamous cell skin cancer]? [Not including half-siblings, step-siblings, step-parents, or step-children]. (Go To: 1097)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 3143)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 3143Number of relative´s cancers to record: (Go To: 3150)
Permissible Values (value):1 (1)
 2 (2)
 3 (3)
 4 (4)
 5 (5)
 6 (6)
 7 (7)
 8 (8)
 9 (9)
 10 (10)
* 3150Specimen line number or identifier 2 (system generated): (Go To: 1351)
* 1351Relative type (mother, brother, etc) (Go To: 1311)
Permissible Values (value):Brother (1)
 Sister (2)
 Son (3)
 Daughter (4)
 Father (5)
 Mother (6)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 1311First primary cancer: (Go To: 1430)
Permissible Values (value):Bladder (1)
 Bone (2)
 Brain (3)
 Breast (4)
 Cervix (5)
 Colon (6)
 Endometrium (22)
 Esophagus (7)
 Gall bladder (40)
 Head & neck (mouth, nose, and throat) (8)
 Kidney (9)
 Leukemia (11)
 Liver (10)
 Lung (12)
 Lymphoma, including Hodgkins (13)
 Mesothelioma (42)
 Multiple myeloma (44)
 Ovary (14)
 Pancreas (15)
 Prostate (16)
 Rectum (17)
 Skin (melanoma, no basal or squamous) (18)
 Stomach (19)
 Testis (24)
 Thyroid (20)
 Uterus (21)
 Vagina (26)
 Other (95)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 1430Relative´s age when diagnosed (Go To: 1317)
* 1317Subsequent primary cancer(s): (Go To: 3163)
Permissible Values (value):Bladder (1)
 Bone (2)
 Brain (3)
 Breast (4)
 Cervix (5)
 Colon (6)
 Endometrium (22)
 Esophagus (7)
 Gall bladder (40)
 Head & neck (mouth, nose, and throat) (8)
 Kidney (9)
 Leukemia (11)
 Liver (10)
 Lung (12)
 Lymphoma, including Hodgkins (13)
 Mesothelioma (42)
 Multiple myeloma (44)
 Ovary (14)
 Pancreas (15)
 Prostate (16)
 Rectum (17)
 Skin (melanoma, no basal or squamous) (18)
 Stomach (19)
 Testis (24)
 Thyroid (20)
 Uterus (21)
 Vagina (26)
 None (0)
 Other (95)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
   3163Loop-specific comments 2: (Go To: 1097)
   1097Comments (do not include any participant identifiers) (Go To: End of Form)