Form:UL Clinical v2.0

CDE IDCDE Description
* 421EDRN Participant ID (Go To: 423)
* 423EDRN Protocol ID (Go To: 422)
* 422EDRN Site ID (Go To: 929)
* 929EDRN Staff ID of the person who collected the data: (Go To: 1219)
* 1219Date of contact (MM/DD/YYYY): (Go To: 774)
* 2221Ever had uterus removed? (Go To: 4882)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Unknown (99)
* 4882Has the participant had a uterine ablation procedure? (Go To: 4883)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Unknown (99)
* 4883Has the participant had a tubal ligation? (Go To: 4884)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Unknown (99)
* 4884Has the participant had a bilateral salpingectomy? (Go To: 4885)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Unknown (99)
* 4885Does the participant have a complex ovarian mass? (Go To: 4906)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Suspicious (3)
 Unknown (99)
* 4906Does the participant have a confirmed mutation that elevates her risk of ovarian cancer? (Go To: 1645)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 4907)
 Unknown (99)
* 4907Type of genetic mutations (check all that apply) (Go To: 1645)
Permissible Values (value):BRACA1 (1)
 BRACA2 (2)
 Other, specify: (97) (Go To: 4908)
* 4908Type of genetic mutations (Other, specify) (Go To: 1645)
* 1645Prior neoadjuvant chemotherapy? (Go To: 4851)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Unknown (99)
* 4851In physician’s judgment, is the participant free from any co-morbidities that limit the participant's participation in the study? (Go To: 4909)
Permissible Values (value):Disagree (10)
 Agree (11)
 Unknown (99)
* 4909Is the patient undergoing risk reduction surgery (RRS)? (Go To: 4925)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 4910)
 Unknown (99)
* 4910Type of risk reduction surgery (Go To: 4925)
Permissible Values (value):RRS (Risk reduction surgery) (1)
 RRSO (Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy) (2)
 Unknown (99)
* 4925Has the patient undergone a tissue based (e.g. diagnostic laparoscopy) or cell-based (e.g. paracentesis) diagnostic procedure performed because of current symptoms suspicious for ovarian cancer? (Go To: 5009)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 4926)
 Unknown (99)
* 4926Has the diagnostic procedure confirmed a diagnosis of cancer? (Go To: 5009)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1)
 Unknown (99)
* 5009Has the participant been diagnosed with high-grade cervical dysplasia (CIN3)? (Go To: 5019)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 5010)
 Unknown (99)
* 5010Has the participant been treated for high-grade cervical dysplasia (CIN3)? (Go To: 5019)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 5012)
 Unknown (99)
* 5012Was there an abnormal pap smear result? (Go To: 5019)
Permissible Values (value):No (0) (Go To: 5011)
 Yes (1)
 Unknown (99)
* 5011Is there record of a pap smear? (Go To: 5013)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 3472)
 Unknown (99)
* 5013Was a pap smear performed? (Go To: 5019)
Permissible Values (value):No (0)
 Yes (1) (Go To: 3472)
 Unknown (99)
* 3472Result of Pap test (Go To: 5019)
Permissible Values (value):Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy (1)
 Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US), HPV negative (22)
 Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US), HPV positive (23)
 Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US), HPV unknown (24)
 Low grade SIL (including HPV changes) (3)
 Atypical squamous cells cannot exclude HSIL (ASC-H) (4)
 High grade SIL (5)
 Squamous Cell Carcinoma (including in situ) (6)
 Abnormal Glandular Cells (including Atypical, Endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ and adenocarcinoma) (7)
 Squamous Cell Carcinoma (16)
 Abnormal Glandular Cells (including Atypical, Endocervical) (17)
 Adenocarcinoma in situ (18)
 Suspicious for malignancy (19)
 Adenocarcinoma (20)
 Carcinoma, other, NOS (21)
 Specimen rejected/not processed (12)
 No result (90)
 Unknown (99)
* 5019Is the participant taking (or has taken) any of the following immunosuppressive medications? (Check all that apply)
(Go To: 4869)
Permissible Values (value):None (0)
 Azathioprine (1)
 Corticosteroids (oral or iv) (2)
 Cyclosporine (3)
 IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin) (4)
 Methotrexate (5)
 m-Tor inhibitor- Everolimus/ sirolimus (6)
 Rituximab (7)
 Tacrolimus (8)
 TFN-a blocker - Infliximab/etanercept/adalimumab (9)
 Refused (88)
 Unknown (99)
* 4869Reason(s) for ovarian surgery (Check all that apply) (Go To: 1097)
Permissible Values (value):Significantly rising CA 125 (ROCA>25%) (4)
 CA 125 > 65 IU/ml (pre-menopausal) (5)
 CA 125 > 35 IU/ml (post-menopausal) (6)
 Image abnormalities (U. Kentucky Morphology Index >=5) (7)
 Transvaginal ultrasound Kaiser-Permanente northern California (KP-NC) morphology index with high risk features, defined as either a) cyst with solid component > 1cm with vascular flow, or b) Any mass greater than 10 cm with a thick septation >3 mm or any solid component (8)
 Presence of ascites or extra-ovarian abnormalities (9)
 Investigator judgment (clinical characteristics – prob (OVCA) >25%) (10)
 Known BRCA1 mutation carrier (11)
 Known BRCA2 mutation carrier (12)
 Unknown (99)
   1097Comments (do not include any participant identifiers) (Go To: End of Form)