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Rationale for Study


 • Eligibility Criteria

 • Recruitment

 • Intervention

 • Follow-up

 • Data Collection

Primary Publications

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria for the two CARET exposure populations were as follows:
Asbestos-exposed participants (N = 4,060)
Men who, on entry to the study,
  • were aged 45-69*
  • were current smokers or quit within 15 years prior to enrollment*
  • had their first exposure to asbestos on the job at least 15 years prior to enrollment
  • had a chest X-ray positive for changes compatible with asbestos exposure according to International Labour Organization (ILO) criteria; or had been employed in a protocol-defined high-risk trade for at least 5 years, at least 10 years prior to enrollment
  • Heavy smoker participants (N = 14,254)
    Men and women who, on entry to the study,
  • were aged 50-69
  • had a cigarette smoking history of 20 or more pack-years
  • were current smokers or had quit within the previous 6 years
  • * For the asbestos pilot study there was no smoking eligibility requirement and the age criterion was 45-74 years. Among the asbestos-exposed participants enrolled during the pilot phase (N = 816), 16% were never smokers and 36% were former smokers who had quit more than 15 years prior to enrollment; 10% were between 70 and 74 years of age.

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