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The Asian Cancer Consortium (ACC) is part of the FHCRC Global Health Research Initiative. COMPASS assisted the ACC Coordinating Center by providing them with statistical services, Common Data Elements, a web-based specimen tracking system and distribution mailing lists.


COMPASS developed a web-based communication tool, specimen tracking system and secure data transfer feature for the Center for Accelerated Translation in Pancreatic Cancer (CATPAC), a joint FHCRC/UW/SCCA effort planned to improve the standard-of-care for the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer.


COMPASS developed a web-based specimen tracking system for the ColoCare Study which is a study of colorectal cancer patients in western Washington State. The study aims to provide a resource for scientists interested in research questions on colorectal cancer survival, prognosis, and diagnostics, through the creation of a specimen biorepository.


COMPASS developed an online key-entry system for a Head and Neck Study coordinated by the Clinical Trials Support Office (CTSO) at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. The system collected participant data for the study and produced analytic datasets.


COMPASS participated in the data harmonization and Common Data Element development efforts for the Genetics and Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer Consortium (GECCO) Coordinating Center at the FHCRC and developed a web-based data transfer and archiving system for GECCO. GECCO is a collaborative effort of researchers from North America, Australia, and Europe, using data from approximately 40,000 participants to discover colorectal cancer-related variants.


COMPASS participated in the data harmonization and Common Data Element development efforts for the ColoRectal Transdisciplary Study (CORECT) which is part of the NCI Post-GWAS Initiative with the following goal: Develop a comprehensive strategy for the discovery of genetic contributions to colorectal cancer, elucidation of the functional consequences of the genetic variation, and to expedite their translation into clinical and public health applications.


COMPASS provided a web-based specimen information management system to the Prevention Center (PC), a shared resource at the FHCRC. The Prevention Center contains a state of the art exercise facility, a human nutrition laboratory for feeding studies and a clinical facility that conducts study interviews, collects medical history and physical exam data, and supports biospecimen collection, indirect calorimetry, and body composition for single-facility or custom multiple-facility use studies.

PHS Virtual Repository

COMPASS implemented a "needs assessment" survey to members of FHCRC Public Health Sciences (PHS) who have biospecimen repositories. COMPASS completed a census and then launched a "proof of concept" web-based virtual repository allowing PHS investigators to search and view the various repositories housed within the PHS division of FHCRC.


COMPASS provided bioinformatics support to TOPS Clinical Correlative Studies (CCS) which was a 5 year project funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation that consisted of laboratories located in the United States, Europe, Australia and Korea. COMPASS provided TOPS-CCS with a communication tool, protocol registration system and a web-based specimen tracking system.